فارسی عربي

Water village of Varian in Alborz Province

Varian is a village in Karaj County, Alborz Province, Iran.

Varian is a village in Karaj County, Alborz Province, Iran.

Varian, as one of the most special villages in Iran, has been named the only water village of the country.

An intact tourist destination because it is not possible to go there unless you use a boat, it is located on Tehran-Chalus road on the eastern side of Karaj Dam.

The village is divided into two historical periods; the period before the Karaj Dam construction and the era after the emergence of the dam.

The old Varian, which is now largely under water, was roughly like a city, and every kind of food products were produced there.

After the construction of the dam in 1961, a number of gardens of the Varian inhabitants went to the eastern edge of the dam, where no one could have access to them except using boats.

The same gardens make up the present-day Varian.

The village is one of the natural and mountainous attractions of Alborz province.

